“And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’”
- Matthew 29:39-40
Go Serve Your King.
Feed My Sheep
Food Pantry - This important ministry continues to grow, with new families signing up each time. Since we began our connection with the San Antonio Food Bank we are able to give out more canned goods, as well as frozen meats and fresh fruits and vegetables. We recently constructed an outdoor area attached to the back of the food pantry building for the distribution of this fresh produce. Our workers have been terrific! But we always need more. Join us at 5:30PM to help prepare for the 6PM rush. The church Food Pantry is open on the 1st & 3rd Monday of every month, from 6 to 7PM. Thank you for supporting the Methodist Food Pantry.
Backpack Ministry - This ministry provides food for children and their families over the weekend while children are not receiving meals from the local school. This team meets Thursday mornings at 10am during the school year. If you are interested in joining this ministry, please contact Suzie Sollock at 210-363-3782 or lytletxumc@gmail.com.
Pray Without Ceasing
Prayer Team - This ministry consists of dedicated men and women that are committed to praying for the needs of our church and people. Once a prayer concern is received, it is quickly passed on to each individual on the Prayer Team. Members of the Prayer Team will start to pray immediately for the concern. If you have a prayer concern or are interested in becoming a member of the Prayer Chain, please contact Debbie Pruett at 210-416-6370 or lytletxumc@gmail.com.
A Voice for the Voiceless
Restore Reproductive Health - Lytle MC supports this wonderful ministry through donations.
Click here to learn more!
Watoto Children’s Ministry - Watoto is a holistic care program that was initiated as a response to the overwhelming number of orphaned children and vulnerable women in Uganda. It is positioned to rescue individuals and raise each one as a leader in their chosen sphere of life so that they in turn will rebuild their nation. We exist to raise the next generation of African leaders, by persuing excellence in academic and practical skills, integrity in conduct, and moral values, so that each one becomes a responsible Christian and a productive citizen. You can go to there website at: https://www.watoto.com/home
House of Mercy Orphanage (Casa Misericordia) - Mexico
STEPHEN & KAREN DORNER - Financial support for Stephen Dorner, and his wife Karen, who are ministry leaders in the Military Ministry group of Campus Crusade for Christ. Through spiritual seminars, materials (especially Bibles), and one-on-one conversations, Stephen supports our returning soldiers and our soldiers still in the field. Stephen and Karen are totally supported by donations like ours. Be sure to read their latest newsletter "Dorner Digest" posted on the entranceway bulletin board.
TWO MISSIONARY COUPLES - Working in dangerous countries which require their names to not be mentioned on social media. Financial support & prayers are welcome.
CHRISTIAN MOTORCYCLE ASSOCIATION - CMA is a non-profit, interdenominational organization dedicated to reaching people for Christ in the highways and byways through motorcycling. Since its beginning in the mid 70's, CMA has had over 136,000 applicants for membership and over 1,000 chapters chartered in the United States. CMA is not a motorcyclist club, but a ministry. A ministry training program makes ministers of the members who are involved in thier local churches, ministry training conferences, prison ministry and motorcycling rallies and events across the country. CAM rallies are times of fellowship, praise and worship, fun bike games and encouragement. Robert Hunt is our church contact for the local chapter of the Christian Motorcyclists Association.