In-Person Worship…


When Will “In-Person” Worship Relaunch?

This Tuesday, April 28th, I received this notice from the bishop’s office:

“The bishop strongly encourages churches to continue their current

distancing practices, meeting only remotely, until May 31.” As a

church we are called to serve and to reach our local community. The

last thing we want is for the local community to perceive our church as

endangering them by reopening too early. Therefore, the church will delay our relaunch to the Sunday of

May 31, barring any changes in the situation. During this month we will develop procedures for safe

“in-person” worship. Throughout May and June we will continue the online services with prerecorded

music from Joseph, as we develop the means to live stream the morning service starting in July.

Grace and Peace,



Pentecost Sunday - Relaunch