Pentecost Sunday - Relaunch
Back in March, I wrote an article about the Coronavirus based on a painting I had bought for my wife for her birthday. The picture, which is hanging in our living room, shows a light house being hit by a hundred-foot storm wave. That article was about how the church is like the lighthouse—Jesus is our rock, our foundation, and we shall not be moved no matter what the storm. In May, as I have been gazing at this picture during my prayer time, God has flipped the analogy. Now as I look at this picture, the coronavirus is the lighthouse, and the church is the wave, and I am moved by the power of the wave. It bends around the lighthouse, but it keeps going. That’s God’s church: circumstances may cause us to adapt, but nothing can stop us. May 31 is Pentecost Sunday, the birthday of the church, the day the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples as they were gathered in the Upper Room. What an appropriate time to relaunch in-person worship in the church sanctuary. Following appropriate Methodist and government safety guidelines, we will meet at 10 AM, our new worship time, for a celebration of Pentecost Sunday and the birthday of the church. We will of course continue our online service as well, so that you can make your own personal choice, following God’s guidance. The church is God’s wave—we adapt based on circumstances, but nothing can stop us.
Grace & Peace,
Pastor Scott